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1920 Slabtown Road, Lima, OH 45801 Phone: 419-222-1836 Fax: 419-224-0718
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Employment and Substitute Opportunities

Current ESC Job Postings

The Allen County Educational Service Center is seeking qualified applicants 
for the following positions.
 Click on the links below for more information.

*  Aide Posting - Multiple Programs
*  Alternative School Teacher Assistant One-on-One Aide
*  Intervention Specialists
*  Teacher Assistant/Aide - Nurse 

ESC Certified Application
(Teachers, Intervention Specialists, etc.)
Non-Certified Application
(Teacher Assistants, Educational Aides, etc.)  

Substitute Teacher / Aide Openings

As a service to the school districts in Allen County, the Allen County Educational Service Center credentials substitutes/aides for Allen East Local Schools, Bath Local Schools, Bluffton Exempted Village Schools, Delphos City Schools, Elida Local Schools, Lima City Schools, Perry Local Schools, Shawnee Local Schools and Spencerville Local schools, as well as the Allen County ESC. Individuals wishing to serve as a substitute teacher/aide in any of the districts listed much complete the proper paperwork through the ACESC. The Ohio Department of Education requires that all of their applications be online . You can choose one of the links below which will take you directly to The Ohio Department of Education page with the instructions on the online process. When you are asked for the Superintendent's Signature during the application process you will need to use IRN: 045740 to find the Allen County ESC and we'll sign it electronically.

BCII & FBI Checks

The Allen County ESC conducts Ohio BCII and FBI fingerprint services on Monday - Fridays from 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
*During inclement weather check WLIO School Delays for possible closure/delays. 

You will need the following items in order to complete the electronic Ohio BCII or FBI webcheck:
  • A drivers license
  • Cash or money orders only.  Credit or debit cards are NOT accepted.


  • $30.00 Ohio BCII
  • $35.00 FBI
  • $65.00 Ohio BCII & FBI