Students benefit from a small class size. A 1:2 teacher/student ratio allows one-on-one and small group classroom assistance. The program follows the STAR Curriculum, which uses ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) Therapy such as Discrete Trial, Pivotal Response Training and Functional Routines.
The Allen County Educational Service Centers Unit for Children with Autism focuses on a holistic learning approach that extends between home, school, and community. An integral part of this program is to work directly with families to ensure a continuity of services.
Program Qualifications
A diagnostic and/or educational evaluation must first determine if the individual falls within the Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Qualification for the Autism Unit is then decided upon by a team consisting of the child's guardian and educational professionals who determine the child's least restrictive environment.
Our Staff
We are very passionate and enthusiastic about working with children with Autism. Our goal is to provide a safe and fun atmosphere for our students to reach their fullest potential.
Art Work
We have been fortunate enough to receive services through Awakening Minds Art once a month. The students create beautiful masterpieces. The students' artwork is for sale and all contributions go toward more art sessions for the students. Friend us on Facebook (Great Day Paintings) for ordering information.
The classroom learning environment is designed using a center based approach where students can engage in both group and independent work.
Life Skills
Students are able to practice life skills through functional activities which support communication and academics.